Friday, January 21, 2011

Funny Kids

My kids crack me up. Let me tell ya. They are so stinkin' funny. I have no idea where they get their goofiness. Must be from Dave... (are you picking up the sarcasm that I'm putting down?) On Saturday, I had been gone most of the day. When I came home, the first thing I saw was Nathan rocking out on his paper jams guitar. He was wearing his favorite shirt, a green dress shirt. It was totally unbuttoned. His hair was spiked. It was SOOOO funny. So I put the groceries away like a good little housewife, grabbed the camera, and took my place in the audience.

This is one good lookin' kid. I think I'm in trouble when he hits Jr High and High School...

Isabel opted to lecture (imagine that) rather than put on a concert when it was her turn. She has decided that the whole family will take turns caring for her tiny stuffed penguin. One week at a time. She wrote down what needs to happen daily. VERY thorough instructions. It's what she does...

Bringing out the goofy side of her lecture...

THEN it was Alex's turn. He of course started to throw a tantrum because he wanted to play Nate's guitar. But we convinced him to use his own, and Rock he did. He's even got the rocker stance down. Try to ignore Isabel... she dashed into the picture. (I'm rolling my eyes, so you can too...)

What a family. It was quite the "show" Too bad you missed it. ;)